A Chinese Company Hoply recently showed its CARPC products. It is the first CARPC in China. The CarPC uses the power saving 1G VIA C3 processor as the CPU with a large capacity hard disk and memory. The operating system can be the Windows from Microsoft, and the compatibility is very good for both hardware and software. Different application software can be installed for different usage. As a fully equipped PC it has full and all kinds of interfaces for connecting peripheral equipments and can be easily configured as an information processing platform for a certain application. Here the shown model CarPc is equipped with a 7inch fully motorized in-dash TFT touch screen. The screen is of 16:9 and VGA resolution, and it is not only the touch screen of the CARPC but also a CarTV The screen is very clear with high lightness and very convenient for operating during driving. So the driver can operating the carpc safely, easily and convenient during the travel.